Rental Options:
Our venue offers a flexible capacity, accommodating up to 450 people, with the option to scaledown to 250 people. Each size comes with distinct rental prices detailed below. In addition, alloptions are negotiable, allowing customization to meet the preferences of anyone interested inbooking the venue. For more details tailored to your specific needs, feel free to contact us directly. We look forward to discussing your rental options and creating an experience that suits you best.

> More than 250 people:
>> Rental Fee: 3250$ including all the staff and equipment required to successfully operate and function throughout the event. Furthermore, the rental fee can be reimbursed if a minimum of 9500$ in Bar profits are reached.
>> The bar and ticket arrangements are interchangeable. Typically, the majority of tickets will bedesignated for the person renting the venue, and the majority of the bar profits will be designated to the venue.

> Between 100 and 250 people:
>> Rental Fee: 2250$ including all the staff and equipment required to successfully operate and function throughout the event. Furthermore, the rental fee can be reimbursed if a minimum of 6500$ in Bar profits are reached.
>> The bar and ticket arrangements are interchangeable. Typically, the majority of tickets will bedesignated for the person renting the venue, and the majority of the bar profits will be designated to the venue.